What is eLearning? A Complete Guide

Archy Learning

Did you know the global eLearning industry will reach over $300 billion by 2025? So, what exactly is eLearning and why is there such a demand for it?

The long and the short of it is that eLearning in all of its forms is a variation of online learning, with the curriculum, courses and instructions all being based within an online platform or open source Learning Management System (LMS).

There’s also mLearning (mobile learning), which is simply a mobile-friendly version of online courses, allowing for text message notifications and course content optimised for smartphone screens. The desired result with mLearning is to create snackable learning experiences that users can engage with on-the-go through mobile technology.

There are a lot of benefits to eLearning and how it’s helping students learn remotely. Germany is an example of the online market growing at nearly 10% ever year.

If you want to see how it works and how it benefits students via remote learning, take a look at this guide that can help you gain a better understanding of it.

What is eLearning’s objective? 

eLearning is the future of education, as more students are learning online due to it’s convenience for them to learn from home on digital devices then it is within a classroom and other traditional learning environments that can often become a competitive space for both their attention and concentration.

However, eLearning doesn’t just apply to higher education, it also applies to compliance training within businesses, and individuals who enjoy the user experience of web-based learning for their own personal interests.

Here are some ways that eLearning is impacting different industries & environments.

How Businesses are Learning Online

An example of eLearning can be seen in VR technology. Some businesses are adopting this kind of technology into their workplace as a way to train employees.

Sometimes, businesses conduct eLearning courses by sending videos and online tests for employees to take. It could be on the most recent safety training or new HR policies.

When you have employees take eLearning courses, it can actually enhance the workplace. It can boost productivity because employees are conveniently taking the time to learn new material without having to attend a meeting in the middle of work, thanks to their enterprise LMS.

How Students are Learning Online

Another example of eLearning is seen in the classroom. Students and teachers are figuring out how to communicate and learn from each other online.

There are online educational discussions, a way to submit assignments, gamified learning, and other ways to consume course content. This is a form of eLearning that is helping students learn remotely and at home.

When it comes to college courses, students are also given the freedom to choose courses that benefit them.

How Individuals are Learning Online

Lastly, individuals who want to participate in eLearning courses as a form of online education can watch YouTube videos and sign up for online courses within feature-rich LMS software.

There are also more individuals creating online courses so they can teach something that they are an expert in. They can teach people how to become a writer or learn a new skill through instructional design and learning activities.

Now that you have a grasp of what eLearning is, it’s important to see what kind of benefits it provides to these areas of learning.

What are the Benefits of eLearning? 

There are a lot of benefits when it comes to eLearning, but it’s important to look at how it benefits business, students, and individuals. It gives you a clearer idea of how it can work for you in different scenarios.

Here’s a breakdown of these benefits.

Benefits of eLearning in Business

One of the benefits of eLearning when it comes to businesses is that it creates more flexibility in the workplace. You are able to work and learn from anywhere.

It also helps that you don’t have to rent out a building or be in a specific location for training. All you have to do is watch videos or do some online course material that can enhance your career.

In a way, it’s a global classroom for anyone to learn a specific skill.

Learning from anywhere can also lower the cost of travel to a specific site. You don’t have to worry about a business having to pay for employees to travel to a specific site.

Another benefit of eLearning in business is that you can use analytics to track someone’s progress online. You can see what materials employees have learned by a specific deadline and how they performed.

Benefits of eLearning in Education 

There are also a lot of benefits to consider with online education. For instance, students can learn from their home, which might be more conducive to their learning outcomes.

Learning from anywhere is especially great when there are severe weather conditions, which can limit travel.

eLearning also gives students a flexible schedule, as they can choose courses, especially in college, that are specifically online.

Students are also able to concentrate more at home without being distracted by other students in the classroom.

Other Benefits of eLearning in Education include:

  1. Generates student performance reports that are more accurate
  2. Online courses can easily be updated to include timely and relevant content
  3. A reduction in environmental impact from schools
  4. Student needs can be identified which leads to personalised help

Benefits of eLearning with Individuals

If you’re not at university or you don’t need eLearning at work, it can still benefit you greatly if you have any personal interests that you would like to further explore.

If you want to develop a specific skill, you can enrol in eLearning classes offered by experienced individuals in specific fields. Or you can do course creation and teach people something you have learned.

It also helps you become self-motivated when you are taking on online class. You are working toward a specific goal that can help you learn something new.

For example, you could take an eLearning class about baking from another country, giving you the flexibility and freedom to learn something new on your own time.

Final Thoughts

eLearning works in a variety of ways. It can help businesses, students, and individuals learn and develop a new skill set. It gives them the flexibility to learn at home without the pressure and inconvenience of having to be “on location”.

eLearning also has a ton of benefits to consider, with one of the most important being that it can cater to an individuals learning style to help them achieve the best results.

If you want to create an eLearning course, you can do it easily on our website, Archy Learning.

Archy Learning

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